Mash Funny I Have a Sword
Surtr (スルト, Suruto ? ), Class Name Saber (セイバー, Seibā ? ), is an Ancient Giant/Saber-class Servant summoned by Ophelia Phamrsolone in the Grand Orders of Fate/Grand Order. [1]
Profile [ ]
Identity [ ]
A Fire Jötunn and King of Muspelheim who brings the Twilight of the Gods during Ragnarök. Surtr was born from the remnants of the destructive wrath of Ymir, the original Primordial Giant. Unknown to the entirety of Proper Human History, Surtr is in fact made of the realm of Muspelheim itself, and exists solely to be the flame of end that destroys the Nine Realms.[2], burning them at the climax of Ragnarök, after which the world is renewed.
Lostbelt [ ]
Within the history of the Norse Lostbelt, Surtr sought to defy his fate of bringing an end to the Age of Gods in the Ragnarök, and attempted to bring an end to the world itself. After Fenrir fulfilled his role of swallowing the sun, Surtr descended upon the wolf while his guard was down, tearing him to pieces and devouring him. Surtr gained Fenrir's Authority, granting him additional power with which he carried out his rampage. He reached through the hole left by the lost sun in an attempt to bring his body, the realm of Muspelheim, down upon the earth, destroying the other Nine Realms in the process. Through the sacrifice of almost all the gods, he and his body were eventually sealed by Odin as a false sun.[2]
The result of this "Broken Ragnarök" was the near-complete loss of natural resources and remnants of Muspelheim left burning above the mountains of Scandinavia. The last god in existence, Skadi, saved by the machinations of Odin, worked together with the last Valkyries to rule over the few remaining humans. However, despite their best efforts, the timeline was pruned in less than half a year, so thorough was Surtr's destruction.
Appearance [ ]
In the Norse Lostbelt, Surtr appears as a gigantic flaming figure. After acquiring Fenrir's power, the left side of his body assumes an icy form.
Personality [ ]
Having inherited the majority of Ymir's wrath, Surtr is a monster of pure destruction who only finds worth in life when individuals cry out in despair over the death he causes. He only sees himself as flame and death, and as such his mindset is different from that of humans.
After meeting Ophelia he developed a sense of gratitude for her when she reassured him on his failure at Ragnarok. He wished to repay that kindness but could only express it by burning the entire world in Ophelia's name.
Feelings Towards Ophelia [ ]
Surtr was slowly torturing Ophelia emotionally while he was behaving as the knight Sigurd. He grilled her inside. However, he would never destroy her. In decisive situations------situations were Ophelia would be broken if he tormented her---------, Surtr respected Ophelia's orders. That is because he seriously loves Ophelia in his own way.
Surtr has only one reason clinging onto Ophelia. When he failed his role as a doomsday device and got secluded in the grey world, she was the woman who 「found」 him. Although he fears this was mere coincidence, that encounter was the first element of unpredictability in Surtr's entire life--------the「love」known as surprise. While Surtr tried to achieve the role of destroying the world, he clings to Ophelia to the very end, to show the end of the world to the 「foolish woman」(to make her survive it). Harboring gratitude, getting emotional, wanting to repay a favor. That's called「love」, but Surtr didn't know that.[1]
Role [ ]
Fate/Grand Order [ ]
Through the power of her Mystic Eye, Ophelia happened upon Surtr as she was on the verge of death following Lev Lainur's bombing of Chaldea and he fumed in his prison, waiting for his timeline to be pruned. He was also able to "see" her and during their brief exchange, he revealed his identity to her and his attempt to defy his fate. Ophelia sympathized with his sense of failure, and after she vanished, Surtr found himself wondering if there was anything he could do for the first person to truly see him. In that moment, Surtr's soul linked with Ophelia's Mystic Eye.[3]
Using his link with Ophelia's Mystic Eye, Surtr infiltrated her summoning spell and possessed Sigurd. He demanded that Ophelia use her Command Spells to destroy Sigurd's body, so his own soul can be set free. Once freed, he will destroy the false sun keeping his true body imprisoned from its vulnerable outside. Wishing to prevent the destruction that his resurrection would bring, Ophelia used her Command Spells to forbid Sigurd from killing or harming himself.[3] Thus, Surtr decided to bide his time until someone capable of piercing Sigurd's Spiritual Core came along.[4]
Götterdämmerung: The Eternal Ice-Flame Century [ ]
Ophelia orders Sigurd to steal the Paper Moon from Chaldea when they arrive in the Lostbelt. She gives him free reign to kill everyone in the Shadow Border except for Mash.[5] Shortly after their arrival, he approaches the Border.[6] Chaldea tries to start Zero Sail, only for Sigurd to grab and throw the Border. He then starts cutting into the vehicle when Ritsuka, Mash, and Sherlock Holmes confront him. He fights the trio, intending to steal the Paper Moon after killing them. Sherlock tries to use Baritsu to stop him from activating Gram. In response, Sigurd severes the detective's right arm while simultaneously carving a Primordial Rune of Death into him. Afterwards, he enters the Border and heads for the cockpit as Ritsuka and Mash give chase. There he confronted Goredolf Musik and Jingle Abel Meuniere, demanding they hand over the Paper Moon. The three then go onto the deck where Goredolf hands over the Paper Moon. Ritsuka and Mash soon arrive to take it, only to be easily overwhelmed. Sigurd moves to execute them, but he stops and leaves.[5]
He returns to Scáthach-Skadi's castle and shows Ophelia that he retrieved the Paper Moon intact. Ophelia tells him to hold on to it for her, and to keep safe from others. Skadi informs her that the Chaldeans are still alive. Ophelia reminds Sigurd what she told him beforehand, but he merely responds that he can't tell difference between humans. He is prepared however to kill the Chaldeans if so ordered. Ophelia tells him not to, not wishing for him to kill Mash. Skadi agrees with her sentiment, and forbids Sigurd from killing the Chaldeans.[5]
Later, after Ophelia has spoken with Kirschtaria Wodime, Sigurd asks her about the necessity of killing her enemies as none of the humans in the Lostbelt are a threat. Ophelia replies the Lostbelt has great potential, expressing hope to breathe new life into humanity and nature if Fantasy Tree Sombrero is matured. She therefore declares she and Sigurd share the same responsibility to ensure Sombrero fully matures.[7]
The two are later informed by Scáthach-Skadi that Chaldea has allied with Napoleon Bonaparte, and destroyed several Envoys at Village 23. Sigurd is ready to kill them, but Scáthach-Skadi forbids him from killing anyone, saying all in the Lostbelt are her precious children. She expects Ritsuka's party will arrive at the castle by tomorrow.[8]
Sigurd and Ophelia interrupt the fight between Thrud and Ritsuka's party. Abiding by Skadi's demands to capture the group without killing them, Ophelia orders Sigurd to neutralize them. She also tells him to make doubly sure he doesn't kill Mash, even by accident. Impressed by the group's resistance, Sigurd demands Ophelia that she ascend his Spirit Origin. She complies, then uses her Mystic Eye to slow Mash by reversing Ortenaus' output. Sigurd then proceeds to fight the group, but Scáthach-Skadi orders it to be stopped before it can go any further. Ophelia tells Sigurd to stand down, and he complies by turning to spirit form. He does return to physical form though to stop Caenis from killing Ritsuka, as Scáthach-Skadi strictly forbids killing in her castle. He then tells Caenis to give them Kirschtaria's message.[9]
Sigurd fights Ritsuka's party with Ortlinde when they return a few days after escaping from there. Brynhildr realizes Sigurd is stronger than usual, so she activates a primordial rune to empower herself at the risk of burning her soul away. However, Ophelia arrives and uses her Mystic Eye to undo its effects, but not the severe damage done to Brynhildr's Spiritual Core. Despite the risks, Brynhildr reactivates the rune. Her determination to kill Sigurd negates Ophelia's second attempt to use her Mystic Eye on her since it doesn't work on singular possibilities. She then uses Brynhildr Romantia to kill Sigurd, but it doesn't kill him. He reveals he isn't Sigurd, and demands for Ophelia to ascend his Spirit Origin again. After she does, Sigurd unleashes runic fire by merely swinging Gram. Brynhildr demands to know who he is, knowing the real Sigurd would never use fire runes. The group then fights Sigurd, and Brynhildr eventually pierces his Spiritual Core. Ophelia tries to use her Mystic Eye to reverse his defeat, but Sigurd uses the method Brynhildr used to negate its effects. Surtr's soul is soon released from Sigurd, allowing the ancient giant to finally break the seal on his true body.[4] Now resurrected, Surtr moves to kidnap Ophelia. Napoleon and Mash try to stop him, but to no avail. After his fire is repelled by Sigurd's Bölverk Gram,[3] Surtr heads for the northern mountains. His presence also renders the masks Skadi used to keep the Jotun placate useless, allowing them to freely attack the villages.[2]
Surtr connects with Sombrero to regain Fenrir's Authority. He also gains aspects of Fafnir, namely invisible dragon wings. He then absorbs Sombrero to regain his lost power thanks to possessing Paper Moon, becoming the new Lostbelt King. Afterwards, he initiates his plan to burn the planet, wondering if Ophelia will aid in that with her Sirius Light. He also uses Fafnir's curse to force Ophelia to share in his desire for destruction. He tries to destroy Village 23 with Loptr Laegjarn, but Heracles, summoned by Sitonai, blocks it while supported by Ortlinde, Scáthach Skadi, Sigurd, and Brynhildr. Napoleon then overcharges Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile to damage Surtr at the cost of his life. Invigorated by his sacrifice, Ophelia escapes from Surtr to join the others.[10]
As it serves as his connection to her, Ophelia destroy her Mystic Eye to sever her contract with Surtr, removing his source of magical energy. She then uses her Sirius Light to rewrite the Lostbelt.[10] Then supported by Skadi and Sitonai, the group ascend to fight Surtr. Sigurd severely wounds him with Bölverk Gram since the giant possesses Fafnir's curse. This severs Surtr's connection to the Fantasy Tree, and causes the Paper Moon to fall from his grasp. After being defeated, Surtr carves a rune of death into Ritsuka. He delights in Mash's despair at their death, only for Brynhildr to reveal what he is seeing is merely an illusion made by her rune. He is then finished off by her and Sigurd.[11]
Abilities [ ]
Whereas Ivan the Terrible is a physical calamity, Surtr is a conceptual one, capable of destroying the whole world. He is not the Sixth Imaginary Element nor a Demon, but rather the last remnant of Ymir's wrath. Surtr is an incredibly powerful Ancient Giant referred to as the Giant of the End whose purpose is to end the Norse Age of Gods by bringing about the Twilight of the Gods, Ragnarök.[3] Being the embodiment of fire, due to radiating a heat devastating to all other forms of life, and towering over all other Giants,[4] Surtr was the strongest giant in Muspelheim, and in fact was the realm of Muspelheim itself, the realm of fire, the flame of the end that exists solely to bring destruction the Nine Realms,[2] and destruction incarnate.[4] Thus, he became its ruler.[2] Kirschtaria Wodime compares him to a God of Destruction and states that summoning Surtr, is equal in essence to summoning an Ancient God.[3] While no human possesses a body strong enough to summon him due to their bodies being too weak to serve as an anchor to keep a Void tethered to reality, Ophelia Phamrsolone's Mystic Eye accomplished said feat thanks to the link that had been made between the two.[10] Surtr is without a doubt a tremendous asset for the reconstruction of human history.[3]
During the Ragnarök of a Parallel World that would end up becoming the Norse Lostbelt, Surtr deviated from his fate. Whereas the Wolf of Ruin Fenrir, the giant wolf who bore the same destruction as Surtr,[1] was originally meant to kill Odin, when Fenrir let down his guard to swallow the sun, Surtr killed him, tearing him into pieces. By consuming its corpse, Surtr gained its power and Authority and went onto kill Loki, the other gods and even the other giant kings. Surtr connected his true body, the realm of Muspelheim itself, to the sky through the hole left by the sun's vacancy, destroying each of the Norse world's nine realms, and attempting to burn down the very planet. Odin and the other gods banded together, and prevent this from happening, but they couldn't win against Surtr. They were only able to fight him to a stalemate.[2] As the almighty Odin was being reduced to ashes alongside the remaining gods,[3] he was only able to seal Surtr away with one final rune, leaving it hanging in the sky as a false sun.[2] However, since Odin had been mortally wounded by Surtr after he devoured Fenrir, the Allfather didn't have the strength left necessary to secure his prison from both sides.[3] With his true body sealed, he became as ineffectual as Divine Spirit, completely losing the power he once had over the world.[2]

Surtr breaking from his seal.
When Surtr was finally freed in the events of the Norse Lostbelt, he lacked most of the powers he had once possessed. However, even in this state, his Magical Energy was so vast that the Shadow Border's equipment was unable to measure it accurately.[3] Having been the Norse Lostbelt's sole source of heat for three thousand years,[4] Sherlock Holmes states that although Surtr may not be quite as hot as a star in this state, he is quite close.[3] His energy is so dense, that it completely stopped Ophelia from communicating with Kirschtaria, due to her signal being obstructed.[2]
By connecting with the Fantasy Tree, Surtr was able to regain Fenrir's Authority over ice. Due to the Evil Dragon Phenomenon, the wings of a Dragon grew from his back, becoming a hybrid of giant and dragon. Thanks to possessing Chaldea's compass, the Paper Moon, and completely absorbing the tree, he was able to use its power to force a Spirit Origin Ascension upon himself,[10] greatly increasing his magical energy and spiritual rank,[2] regaining the power he had lost. Thus, the Lostbelt started to fall apart.[10]
Furthermore, Surtr has also shown to be able to use Magecraft, as shown when he was able to use a spell to communicate telepathically with Ophelia,[3] and when he attempted to cast a death rune on Ritsuka Fujimaru.[11] He was capable of making use of the karmic bond formed with Ophelia Phamrsolone when the two made eye contact to hijack Ophelia's Servant summoning and inhabit Sigurd's body. He placed a curse on her when he was summoned, which when triggered would leave her no choice but to witness the end of the world at his side.[3]
Scáthach-Skadi claims that it should be impossible to defeat full power Surtr without the aid of the Counter Force, however, Chaldea managed to scrounge together every last bit of help they could find, allowing them to accomplish said feat without the Counter Force having to intervene.[12] While Surtr was occupied firing his Noble Phantasm, Napoleon attacked the giant with his final trump card, Arc de Triomphe de l'Étoile, blowing up part of Surtr's face, at the cost of his Spirit Origin and Spirit Core.[10] Having dropped the Paper Moon in the impact and spent a great deal of energy to power his flaming sword,[11] Surtr was forced to wait to regenerate and heal this wound, before firing his next attack. Ophelia took this opportunity to break her contract with him and use her Sirius Light to attack him. Having lost his source of Magical Energy, Surtr struggled to maintain his existence as efficiently.[10] Scáthach-Skadi and Sitonai, the amalgamation of three Divine Spirits, then used the earth's leylines to boost Ritsuka's party with their blessings and protection and Skaði's runes to allow them to fly within a hundred-meter range next to Surtr's head to attack him. Due to Surtr having gained dragon attributes from having become the embodiment of greed and evil, Sigurd's Bölverk Gram became super effective against him thanks to his nature as a Dragon-Slayer, severing his connection to the Fantasy Tree. Sigurd and Brynhildr then used their Noble Phantasms once more, cutting off one of his arms and reaching deep into Surtr's core before he had time to regenerate in exchange for expending all their remaining magical energy. Although Surtr tried to take Fujimaru with him, he was so weakened that Brynhildr managed to freeze him in place with her reality distortion rune, only to die short after.[11]
Skills [ ]
Class Skills [ ]
- Magic Resistance (EX Rank): Completely nullify effects of almost every harmful Magecraft.[1]
- Riding (-): He obtained the Saber class saint graph as he formed contract with Ophelia. The skill was discarded from being considered to be "unnecessary".[1]
- Independent Action (EX Rank): He's able to accomplish incinerating all land on Earth without receiving a mana supply.[1] As Ophelia's servant, Surtr doesn't possess any special ability such as Independent Manifestation or Independent Action. Thus, breaking the contract between Ophelia and Surtr renders him just like another Servant without a Master.[10]
- Territory Creation (EX Rank): He expands his own territory by heating the ground with each step.[1] Just falling to the ground after freeing himself shakes and cracks the ground, shattering mountains.[3] After regaining his full power, Scandinavia started to crumble. Its snow melting, its mountains crumbling, its seas, evaporating. Even though he isn't as big as a mountain, every step he takes shatters peaks of ice and snow.[10]
- Beast of the War Dead (A+ Rank): A Skill that uses the power he absorbed from Fenrir. The performance of Surtr's original super effectiveness against gods is increased even further. (Only in his second form).[1]
Personal Skills [ ]
- Monstrous Strength (B+++ Rank): Represents his destructive nature as a world-ending giant. The "+++" is some kind of bug that shouldn't fall within the framework of his Saint Graph.[1]
- Giant's Outer Shell (A Rank): The body of giant species is tough. This extremely special composition allows him to absorb energy from attacks and convert into magic energy. Once the absorption limit is reached (attacks and Noble Phantasms of certain rank) and conversion into magic energy is not possible, he will then take damage.[1]
- Scathe of Branches (A++ Rank): The flame of Surtr spoken in "Prophecy of the Priestess". It is the skill Mana Burst of the highest rank in the form of flame, and at the same time an armor against all form of temperature changes and physical attacks, an armament to cleanse abnormal statuses. Originally a Noble Phantasm turned into a skill.[1] Even in his weakened state, Mash struggles to block his flame attacks with her shield, and even by pushing herself beyond her limits, her arms and legs shook with the effort.[3] It is finally deflected by Sigurd's Bölverk Gram,[3] however he could have never accomplished it by himself had Scáthach-Skadi not aided him.[2]
- Wind of Niflheim (B Rank): A blizzard of absolute freezing temperature flowing from the world of ice and frost that Fenrir once ate. This is not used within FGO.[1]
Noble Phantasms [ ]
Surtr wields Laevatein, a Divine Construct forged by the planet,[3] a weapon meant to tear the Texture known as the Age of Gods from the planet's surface.[4] It prioritizes life-forms over all else and not even a deity from the Age of Gods could survive it. It is a flaming sword with lickering heat that reduces everything it touches to ash.[3]
Surtr's second Noble Phantasm is Loptr Laegjarn, an Anti-World attack performed with Laevatein.[1] By raising the sword comprised solely of magical energy superheated to over four million degrees Celsius and descending it in the blink of an eye like a shooting star,[10] the flames of the end that lead to the world's demise are released.[1] Skaði claims that bringing his sword down to earnest even in his weakened state would have resulted in her castle and all of Scandinavia being razed to the ground. At full power, post absorbing the Fantasy Tree, he would no doubt raze Scandinavia to the ground in a single breath. A Noble Phantasm on par with Rhongomyniad. Under normal circumstances, even if he reduced Scandinavia to the ground, his power wouldn't leak out, as it needs to travel through Imaginary Number Space to leave the Lostbelt. However, due to possessing the Paper Moon, his power would endanger the entire planet.[2] Although this attack isn't quite on the level of the Incineration of Humanity since it would have to extend into the past to match it, his fire would burn up everything in the present.[3]
In the events of the Norse Lostbelt, Sitonai summoned Berserker Heracles to block this attack, however even with the back up of Scáthach-Skaði who used her Primordial Runes to simultaneously summon a large number of Divine Iron Shields, Ortlinde's White Swan Mystic Code, and Sigurd's and Brynhildr's runes were unable to reinforce Heracles enough to block Surtr's Noble Phantasm. The difference between the numbers of the power of each side is so absurd, that even if Mash had joined them it would only have given them a minuscule boost. They simply lacked anything to turn the tide in their favor in a frontal clash.[10]
Forms and Alternate Versions [ ]
Sigurd [ ]
During the events of the Norse Lostbelt, Ophelia Phamrsolone originally summoned Sigurd as a Saber Class Servant, however, due to the link made between her Mystic Eye and Surtr, the Ancient Giant managed to possess the body of the Heroic Spirit, gaining complete control over him. Unless Sigurd's Spirit Origin is shattered, Surtr shall not be able to leave this body nor free himself.[3]
Abilities [ ]
As Ophelia Phamrsolone's Servant and possessing Sigurd's body, Ophelia regards him as the strongest knight to ever live and she can't imagine him having anything to fear, even from the Divine Spirit Caenis.[13] "Sigurd" boasts a Magical Reactor Core on par with the Angrboda powered by the Greater Grail appearing in the London Singularity.[6] Although his Spirit Origin closely resembles Siegfried's, its "color" seems a bit different. Even though Sigurd stood next to Siegfried as one of the most powerful heroes of all Norse myth, even that doesn't explain his Monstrous Strength. Even without going all out, Sigurd is able to physically hold back the Shadow Border thanks to his physical strength exceeding the Border's maximum output. By utilizing more Magical Energy, he becomes strong enough to lift it and throw it far away. After witnessing this feat, Sherlock Holmes considers the possibility of him being a Berserker. Being a powerful Heroic Spirit, he is much stronger than Mash and the Ortinax and strikes very hard despite only using the short sword at his waist with power reminding her of Siegfried. Even Mash's final blow, with all of her magical energy behind it, isn't enough to take Sigurd down, despite being strengthened by Sherlock's Noble Phantasm and one of Ritsuka Fujimaru's Command Spells.[5] Being a true valkyrie, Thrúd's strength is on par with his full strength,[9] and she wouldn't hesitate to destroy him, demonic sword and all, should Scáthach-Skadi give her a single command. Although she explains that it may be difficult to do so alone, she explains that their chances of success would greatly improve with all three of them.[8] Despite his enormous magical energy feeling unbelievable powerful even inside of Skaði's castle,[9] there is no doubt that he is weaker than Scáthach-Skaði.[5]
Once the combined efforts of Napoleon and Mash prove to be able to match Sigurd, he asks Ophelia to release one of his limiters. By forcing a Spirit Origin Ascension, he is able to manifest as his stage 2 self,[9] the state Sigurd had originally been summoned in by Ophelia before she used her command spells to restrain Surtr inside him.[3] In this form, Sigurd's magical energy spikes even higher,[9] to the point where he's clearly on the level of a Lostbelt servant.[14] Thanks to his Spirit Origin having been empowered,[15] Mash feels the Ortinax groaning under the strain, even without having touched him yet. His strikes hit even harder than the Giants.[9] Although he is definitely stronger than Napoleon, at least when he's not using any of his trump cards,[14] the combined efforts of Napoleon and Mash prove to be more of a challenge than he had thought, despite Ophelia using her Mystic Eye on Mash. However, he claims that they'd need to be a lot stronger in order to kill him.[9] He is an incredibly powerful servant,[15] powerful enough to compel Skaði to keep an eye on him. She claims that even though Brynhildr may have once been the greatest Valkyrie in all the Norse lands, not even her would be able to defeat Sigurd. As such, he outmatches Brynhildr, forcing her to activate the Odinseal Prototype to increase her power at the cost of her soul. Although her Noble Phantasm would have been a sure kill against him, since he is not Sigurd, he was able to survive it.[4]
By forcing a second Spirit Origin ascension and removing the final limiter, Surtr is finally able to make use of Sigurd's full capabilities as a Heroic Spirit. In this state, his body feels much lighter and puts out exponentially more magical energy than before. Despite having the aid of Ortlinde, the combined efforts of Brynhildr, Napoleon and Mash manage to overpower him. Every thrust of her spear, every cannon shot, every shield bash wore him down bit by bit, until Brynhildr finally managed to pierce his armor, tearing through his flesh, shattering his bones, and cutting his Spirit Core in two.[4]
- Monstrous Strength (? Rank): Due to being possessed by Surtr, Saber seemingly gained access to this skill, which the original Sigurd did not possess.[5]
- Primordial Rune (Warrior) (? Rank): Saber was able to use a Death Rune to mortally wound Sherlock Holmes.[5]
- Crystallized Wisdom (? Rank): Having gained Fafnir's knowledge after eating its heart, Saber possesses the knowledge and reflexes to dodge Sherlock Holmes' magical energy beams.[5]
Noble Phantasm:
Sigurd wields the demonic sword Gram. Even in his first stage, Sigurd manages to melt the external armor of the Shadow Border very easily. Melting it may be one thing, but he even cut his way down the multilayered Bounded Fields surrounding the inner hull which had been designed back at Chaldea by Da Vinci, Nitocris and Paracelsus von Hohenheim to ensure they'd be as strong as any from the Age of Gods. It should have been as strong as a fortress made of divine iron, yet Sigurd sliced through them like so much butter without even revealing his True Name. Da Vinci also claims that its magical energy is right up there with Ivan's. Although Holmes is able to stop him from using it thanks to his great combat experience, Sigurd ultimately cuts off his arm.[5] In his stage 2, he is granted authorization to fully employ this Noble Phantasm in combat.[9] At his peak, in his final ascension, Sigurd can create fire by simply swinging his sword without inscribing any runes. In this state, Mash says that it was more powerful than anything they had seen before.[4]
Development [ ]
Creation and Conception [ ]
[ ]
A Flaming Titan with a black shell. I put emphasis on him being good-looking by making him slimmer than the rest of the Ancient Giants, given that he's Norse Mythology's final boss. In the initial drafts, I designed him all the way down to his legs, but, tragically, everything from the waist down was cut to fit the screen. But he deserved it because he was cruel to his Master y'know. Learn your lesson. I like how putting him next to an Ifrit makes them look like father and daughter. Kehe. (Shaka P/DELiGHTWORKS)[1]
References [ ]
- ↑ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 1.22 1.23 1.24 1.25 1.26 1.27 1.28 1.29 1.30 1.31 1.32 1.33 1.34 1.35 1.36 1.37 1.38 Fate/Grand Order material VII - Surtr's profile translated by Smoof101
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 14: Bringing Twilight Here Once Again (Middle)
- ↑ 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.19 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 13: Bringing Twilight Here Once Again (Beginning)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 12: You, Who Was Like The Spring Sunshine
- ↑ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 2: Assault of the Demonic Sword (End)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 1: Assault of the Demonic Sword (Beginning)
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 4: Lord of Creation (End)
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 5: Castle of Snow and Ice (Beginning)
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 6: Castle of Snow and Ice (End)
- ↑ 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Section 15 Bringing Twilight Here Once Again (End)
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 16: Beyond the Gaze
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Eternal Ice-Flame Century, Section 17: Go, Beyond the Twilight
- ↑ Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Anastasia: Prologue Intro 1
- ↑ 14.0 14.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Section 8 The Other Goddess (End)
- ↑ 15.0 15.1 Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt - Götterdämmerung: Section 9 Like the Spring Sunshine (Beginning)
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